13 April 2019

Week 11

Hi everyone! This week post will be related to the previous post as I will explained about one of the model that I have told you guys last week which is GAGNE 9 Events. So my group mates and I get this model and we need to make a simple research about this model and present it to our classmates.

GAGNE 9 Events is developed by Robert Gagne from North Andover, Massachusetts. He is an educational psychologist who pioneered the science of instruction in the 1940s. He also wrote a book entitled "The Conditions of Learning" that was published in 1965. He created a nine-step process that detailed each element required for effective learning. 

GAGNE 9 Events is the instruction that may enhance student learning: gain attention, inform leaners of objectives, stimulate recall of prior learning, present stimulus, provide learner guidance, elicit performance, provide feedback, assess performance, and enhance retention and transfer. According to Gagne, Wager, Golas and Keller (2005), instruction is a set of events external to the learner designed to support the internal processes of learning. 

As we need to present this model, we need to create a poster that explained all the details about this model. We also need to create a short quiz based on the model by using Kahoot! So, this is the poster of the model which is GAGNE 9 Events for our group.

This 9 events explained about the list that educators need to have before they start to teach other people. Each of the steps have its own benefits of the learning process that the educators and the learners will get if they follow all the 9 steps.

As a conclusion, I think this model really give me so much information and benefits (I hope you guys too). It is a very useful approach that you can use in a learning process. Each steps give you different benefits that you can use in teaching. That's all from me this week. Happy reading! 

xoxo, N 💜

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