Hello everyone! This is going to be my last post as this semester will end very soon (can't wait! hehe) So, I have done with my courseware which I felt so happy that my group mates and I finally done it. You guys can take a look here and maybe try to learn and do it! Goodluck! file:///C:/Users/user/Documents/ADVERB%20-%20SmartBuilder%20output/index.htm
As for this week, we need to submit our courseware assignment so my classmates and I have submitted it on Thursday which is in Madam Azida's class. Thank God that everyone have done it on time. So, after we submitted our courseware, we did our quiz which is the very last assessment for this subject. We did the quiz in the computer as this is a Internet Technology's subject. Alhamdulillah, the quiz was okay and I have done my best to do it. I hope that I could get a good marks for the quiz.
This 14 weeks learning this subject with Madam Azida was a really great journey. I learnt a lot in this class from easy until hard topics. Alhamdulillah for this opportunity to learn such a fun subject. Madam Azida gave her best throughout this 14 weeks and I couldn't ask for more. Thank you Madam for everything. May Allah bless you always 😚
To wrap up my blog, I wish that I can get A for this subject and get flying colours for this semester. Thank you everyone for spending your time reading all my post. May you get some knowledge from my blog. I wish you guys all the best in your life and Happy Fasting everyone! Till next time, bye!
xoxo, N 💜