04 May 2019

Week 14

Hello everyone! This is going to be my last post as this semester will end very soon (can't wait! hehe) So, I have done with my courseware which I felt so happy that my group mates and I finally done it. You guys can take a look here and maybe try to learn and do it! Goodluck!  file:///C:/Users/user/Documents/ADVERB%20-%20SmartBuilder%20output/index.htm

As for this week, we need to submit our courseware assignment so my classmates and I have submitted it on Thursday which is in Madam Azida's class. Thank God that everyone have done it on time. So, after we submitted our courseware, we did our quiz which is the very last assessment for this subject. We did the quiz in the computer as this is a Internet Technology's subject. Alhamdulillah, the quiz was okay and I have done my best to do it. I hope that I could get a good marks for the quiz.

This 14 weeks learning this subject with Madam Azida was a really great journey. I learnt a lot in this class from easy until hard topics. Alhamdulillah for this opportunity to learn such a fun subject. Madam Azida gave her best throughout this 14 weeks and I couldn't ask for more. Thank you Madam for everything. May Allah bless you always 😚 

To wrap up my blog, I wish that I can get A for this subject and get flying colours for this semester. Thank you everyone for spending your time reading all my post. May you get some knowledge from my blog. I wish you guys all the best in your life and Happy Fasting everyone! Till next time, bye!

xoxo, N 💜

26 April 2019

Week 13

Hi everyone! It is the 13 weeks for this semester which means 1 week to go to finish my semester 7. Yeayyy I can't wait to finish all this (hehe). So, I am currently doing my assessment on the e-learning courseware (please pray for me 😅) with my group mates. 

As for this week, Madam Azida still gives her guidance to my classmates and I (thank you Madam 😗) on how to make this courseware more interesting. Madam have taught us on how to put the button at the page of this courseware, how to make the button looks more interesting, how to create motion on it and many more.

Other than that, I also learned on how to put the audio in the page so that the courseware will not looks bored and the learners will feel more fun while learning this topic. Basically, I learned a lot this week. I get to know so many things that I never knew before. I really hope that my group mates and I can create a really fun and interesting courseware.

Alhamdulillah, we are currently run through this web to create a really attractive courseware and we have done most of the part of this courseware. It just we need to touch up here and there and make sure that the courseware will turn out to be something that we really satisfied and the learners will feel excited and happy to do it. Can't wait to share it with you guys. Stay tuned!

xoxo, N 💜

20 April 2019

Week 12

Hello everyone! We meet again this week 😆 Today, I would like to share with you about what I have learned from the last Tuesday and Thursday class which is Smart Builder. Do you know what is Smart Builder? Do you ever heard about Smart Builder? Never mind, let me share with you guys about this. Check it out!

Smart Builder is the fastest e-learning authoring tool for creating serious e-learning including scenarios, gamification, branching, assessments and more. What can you create using this web? Surely lots of things that you can do from this web and I'm sure that you will be impress with the result. It is really easy to use where you can just start it with a simple way. One thing that you need to know is you need to pay for this smart builder if you want to use it (I know it is hard) but they give us free trial for 30days that you can use this web freely. So here is the link https://www.smartbuilder.com/

Basically, my classmates and I need to create an e-learning courseware by using this smart builder. This is the last assessment that we need to do where we have to create a courseware about any topics for the higher institution students'. It sounds interesting to create something that will benefits for other people right?

So, as the first time user for this smart builder I think it is hard because we need to do like a lot of things in order to create a really good and interesting courseware but with Madam Azida guidance, it become much more easier as Madam taught us one by one on how to create this courseware. It is really fun to be able to get this kind of knowledge. 

As for my group mates and I, we choose the topic about adverb which we think it is simple yet confusing topic but we really excited to teach you a simple way so that you will become more understand about this topic. 

That's all for this post. We are really excited to start doing this courseware with Madam Azida guidance. I will share to you guys once my group mates and I have done it. Till next time!

xoxo, N 💜