26 April 2019

Week 13

Hi everyone! It is the 13 weeks for this semester which means 1 week to go to finish my semester 7. Yeayyy I can't wait to finish all this (hehe). So, I am currently doing my assessment on the e-learning courseware (please pray for me 😅) with my group mates. 

As for this week, Madam Azida still gives her guidance to my classmates and I (thank you Madam 😗) on how to make this courseware more interesting. Madam have taught us on how to put the button at the page of this courseware, how to make the button looks more interesting, how to create motion on it and many more.

Other than that, I also learned on how to put the audio in the page so that the courseware will not looks bored and the learners will feel more fun while learning this topic. Basically, I learned a lot this week. I get to know so many things that I never knew before. I really hope that my group mates and I can create a really fun and interesting courseware.

Alhamdulillah, we are currently run through this web to create a really attractive courseware and we have done most of the part of this courseware. It just we need to touch up here and there and make sure that the courseware will turn out to be something that we really satisfied and the learners will feel excited and happy to do it. Can't wait to share it with you guys. Stay tuned!

xoxo, N 💜

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